
May 2014

“I am now more aware that giving back is more than I had envisaged and its ok to give back what no longer serves me for my highest good” Lillian “Amazing nutritious and deli-cious food even though it was vegetarian :)” Lillian “Consciously Programming Workshop was really challenging, still getting my head around the actual […]

Elder abuse

Elder abuse is any act within a relationship of trust which results in harm to an older person. It can be emotional, psychological, financial, physical or sexual abuse, or neglect. Many people do not discuss their concerns with others because of feelings of shame, fear of retaliation, the involvement of family members or fear they will be […]

Numbers of Indigenous children in state care a national disgrace, SNAICC says

The growing number of Indigenous children being put into government care is a national disgrace, a group representing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families says. Figures indicate one third of children in care are from Aboriginal backgrounds, which the Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC) says risks creating another Stolen Generation. A […]

Addressing women’s victimisation histories in custodial settings

The profile of women in prison The rate at which women are being incarcerated in Australia has increased dramatically in the last 20 years (Baldry, 2008; Mitchell, 2005). Reviewing data collected between 1995 and 2002, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) calculated that the female imprisonment rate had more than doubled (58%) over those seven […]

A new research report from Sage. Out & Visible.

Out & visible

A new research report from Sage. Out & visible. The experiences and attitudes of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older adults, ages 45-75, by the numbers. View the poster below, or open here in a new window.

December 2013

“I got more than I came for, I finally have some sense of direction for my life. The retreat was better than what I could have expected” Aly “My favourite workshops; giving something back, the awakening of the spirit the journey home, physical centre’s of consciousness” Ana “I participated in the August retreat, my life […]

August 2013

“I wasn’t sure what the Re-treat would entail but what a pleasant surprise, more than I expected. Excellent, embrac-ing, loving, rejuvenating, refreshing happy, ready to go” Toni “Aboriginal Dance; Great stuff I have always wanted to try it and today I did it. The mosquito dance and emu dance loved it.” Toni “There are three […]

April 2013

“Thank you so much for an inspirational week-end. The Bunya Mountains was truly a spectacular and quiet place to release and reflect on many aspects of one’s life. I especially enjoyed the session on judgment and have implemented many of your teaching from the week-end into my everyday life. Many thanks for your wisdom, patience […]